Pierre von Rahmel
I´m a Wildlife & Nature photographer from Stockholm, Sweden.
Author, webmaster and creator of
BERUS Magazine and BERUS Photography.
Welcome to visit www.vonrahmel.se
I´m a Wildlife & Nature photographer from Stockholm, Sweden.
Author and creator of BERUS Magazine and BERUS Photography.
BERUS Photography is issued by Mr Pierre von Rahmel and Mr Leif Westrin.
BERUS Photography is dedicated for nice nature photography and conservation.
BERUS Photography is a photo journal focused on the serious nature photography and in order to preserve nature and the environment.
You can publish your nature pictures without any cost at all. Its free!
We publish all types of nature related images, such as animals, landscapes, habitats, faunas and flora.
Send us your photographs and we make sure that it is published in
BERUS photography without any cost to you. It´s absolutely free.
We will only use your photos for publishing in BERUS Photography.
Your photos will stay with BERUS editors, and will not be shared or loaned to any third part in any way.
BERUS Photography is issued on the basis of available material and time constraints of the publishers. Articles, photographs, drawings or any other contributions are to be sent to the journal in digital format.
All photographic material and diagrams are author contributions unless otherwise stated or indicated. The authors’ material published is copyrighted and authors should be contacted if the article is under consideration for publication in its original, revised or any other form.
The publisher cannot be held responsible for the correctness or veracity of author contributions, which are solely the authors’ responsibilities.
We warmly welcome more photos, so that our magazine can be read and seen by all animal and nature lovers around the world.
This digitally paper is religiously and politically independent, as well as noncommercial.